• Mission
    To enhance and protect PUBLIC SECTOR value AND TRUST by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight through auditing, thereby building public confidence. .
  • Vision
    To inspire accountability, trust and ethics in use of public resources through audit.
  • Values
    1. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our actions.
    2. Accountability: We are responsible for our decisions and actions.
    3. Professionalism: We adhere to the highest standards of competence and conduct.
    4. Independence: We maintain an unbiased and impartial approach to auditing.

Our Mandate

OIAG is an independent function set up within the Civil Service as stipulated in Section 114 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2016. Its key mandate includes:

  • Carrying out specific investigation as may be considered reasonable to a Public Institution as may be requested by Paymaster General;
  • Obtaining information and explaination as requested in performing duties under Public Finance Management Act;
  • Inspecting books, records and offices in the performing of the duties and being given access to the books, records and offices on demand;

The Office is headed by the Internal Auditor General (IAG), who is assisted by a team of Internal Auditors of various ranks. The IAG reports to the Paymaster General in the President’s Office, Finance and Planning.

Our Objectives

The overall objective of Internal Audit is to provide assurance to management of the Public Institution regarding the management of key risks and to provide independent and objective advice and counsel to management to assist them in discharging their duties and responsibilities.

In line with the general goals of the Office, the specific objectives are:

  • Initiate preventive and corrective measures to improve quality of public financial management;
  • Conduct audit assignments in any Public Institution to assess whether risks are appropriately identified and managed;
  • Provide advisory services to management on internal controls, risk management and corporate governance;
  • Formulate and disseminate appropriate internal audit policies, rules, standards, manual, circulars and guidelines.
  • Monitor implementation of the audit recommendations and preparing quarterly reports;
  • Attract, retain and develop internal auditors and audit committees.
  • Create an enabling culture and leadership to drive the office.
  • Provide guidance and supervising internal auditors and audit committees in Public Institutions.
  • Prepare quarterly consolidated internal audit report for all Public Institutions to the Paymaster General.

To achieve these objectives, the Office shall leverage on technology, develop talent, anticipate risks and develop appropriate strategies..

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