Internal Audit

Our customers get support from our internal audit services to manage risk effectively and improve public service delivery. We provide Public Institutions with independent and objective assurance and advice, which is designed to add value, improve operations and achieve better outcomes. We apply a risk-based approach when developing our annual plan of work with our customers which allows us to be as responsive as possible to changes in the risk environment.

Fraud and Investigation

We provide comprehensive and quality fraud and investigation services to support our customers in enhancing public service delivery and control of public resources. By offering blended Fraud, Investigation and Internal Audit services under one roof, we can share expertise and continually improve services across the Public Institutions.


We provide specialized internal audit services to strengthen our quality and impact.
These services currently include:

  1. Finance
  2. Human resources
  3. Information Technology
  4. Value for Money

Quality Assurance

The Office of Internal Auditor General has quality assurance and improvement programs which are designed to determine whether the audit unit’s internal quality control system is in place and is operating effectively to provide reasonable assurance that established policies and procedures and applicable auditing standards are being followed.

The work of Internal Audit is controlled at each level of operation to ensure that a continuously effective level of performance is being maintained. Consequently, the Internal Auditor General develops and maintains a quality assurance programme designed to gain assurance that the work of Internal Audit is compliant with the stipulated quality standards and achieves the Office’s objectives including adding value and improving the Government’s operations.

The programme includes periodic internal and external quality assessment and on-going internal monitoring staffing, training and human resource development.

Audit Committee

Audit Committees form a key element in the governance process by providing an independent expert assessment of the activities of top management, the quality of the risk management, financial reporting, financial management and internal audit, to the board of directors or advisory board or executive management.

The existence of an independent Audit Committee is recognized nationally and internationally as an important feature of good corporate governance. An Audit Committee can benefit Public Institution by:

  1. Acting as a forum for dialogue between the accounting officer or statutory body, executive management and the internal and external auditors. The communication helps facilitate a better awareness of each party’s responsibilities and provides a more efficient and coordinated audit process.
  2. Promoting the integrity and quality of internal and external reports by providing a high level of assurance and check.
  3. Fostering and promoting a more effective and efficient audit process by providing an independent review of the internal audit annual work plan and reports.
  4. Providing a ‘no surprises’ environment in Public Institution, particularly with regard to the prompt identification of risks and threats to the institution.
  5. Providing a depth of knowledge that assists management in discharging its responsibilities in the most effective and efficient manner.

Audit Services for Donor Funded Projects

In line with Section 116 (1) (b) and 116 (2) (a) of the “Public Finance Management Act, 2016”, we continue to deliver our audit services for donor funded projects to ensure that there is an effective and efficient operation system throughout the donor funded projects. This will guarantee the control and proper accountability of public moneys and properties.

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