Fatma Khamis Mohammed

Internal Auditor General


Office of Internal Auditor General (OIAG)

I kindly welcome you to the Office of Internal Auditor General (OIAG) website aimed at improving communication with Internal Auditors, Public Institutions and key stakeholders in the public sector of Zanzibar. This website comes with the following features:

  1. Conveys specific and helpful information to key stakeholders.
  2. Make available to stakeholders’ basic reference of relevant laws including Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Internal Audit Act.
  3. Provide Guidelines, Templates and Documents online for easy accessibility and use by our stakeholders.
  4. Provide periodic updates on activities at the OIAG and provides an interactive platform to bridge the communication gap between OIAG and stakeholders.
  5. Provide information on Contemporary Professional Standards in Public Sector Internal Auditing.

The OIAG is setup to perform its functions under Section 116 of the Public Finance Management, (Act 2016). The Office is required to provide assurance and advisory services and promote the practice of internal auditing in the public service. The OIAG works with the Paymaster General and other relevant stakeholders to promote the practice of internal audit and enhance the work of the internal auditors for quality internal audit service in the public sector. This has contributed to transparency, accountability and safeguarding of public sector resources.

The Internal Auditor General takes this opportunity to express her appreciation and gratitude to stakeholders for their continued support to the Office. This new website is expected to be very interactive and to bridge the communication gap between the Office and its stakeholders.

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